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Ultimate 8 hour Continuing Education MastersSeminar

Platinum Productions recognizes the hair care industry is all about diversity in styling and techniques. We want to help you increase your income by adding diversity to your repertoire. Join us for the Ultimate Continuing Education Seminar where we will present techniques and information designed to give you an immediate return on your investment!”

2013 Seminar Dates 
Attend these classes to meet Continuing Education Requirements

Apprentice/Trainee - $75
Individual (8 Hrs for Reg, Mgr, Mstr or Instr) - $135 
** Register 2 or more individuals for only $125 each **
Individual + Apprentice/Trainee - $200


Seminar Approved by the Alabama State Board of Cosmetology.

Kinectic Razor Cutting

Kinectic Razor Cutting is the art of using a razor to achieve all of the 21st century styles that give the hair separation as well as movement.

Take advantage of the one of the hottest, most financially rewarding techniques in our industry today! Join Winston Bennett, a nationally and internationally renowned stylist/instructor, as he shares his kinectic razor cutting techniques in a hands-on class.

21st Century Weaving

This class will highlight all of the commercial weave techniques on the market today. Bonding, fusion,

strand-by-strand, lace front, quick-weave and the correct way to cut commercial hair.

Preparing Your Apprentice/State Board 

This class will show you how to correctly fill out all necessary forms for hosting an apprentice in your salon.

Our instructor will coach you on
how to prepare your apprentice for the state board exam.




Thank you for choosing PLATINUM PRODUCTIONS for your license renewal.

The ALABAMA STATE BOARD OF COSMETOLOGY has approved this course which provides you the opportunity to earn all eight (8) credit hours required for license renewal.

  1. Complete our FREE registration which must include your name and email address.

  2. If you are a Master, Managing Cosmetologist, Esthetician or Instructor, click on “Cosmetology/Esthetics.”

  3. If you are a Master, Managing Manicurist or Instructor, click on “Nail Technology.”

  4. To access all the study materials at once, click on the red and white PDF icon, or click on the “Next” button to go page to page.

Certificates of Completion may be printed directly from our website. Your certificate will reflect the total number of hours completed. To print a full page certificate, click on "Landscape" before printing.


Platinum Productions is Alabama's leading provider of information for continuous education. Our goal is to inspire, educate and provide tools for growth of cosmetologists and to increase their performance capability by providing a program that allows you to earn all eight (8) credit hours required for your license renewal.

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